To write or not to write?

I have been looking at this page for quite some time now, thinking of what to write to you, my highly esteemed reader. No, it’s not a case of writer’s block. I have a lot of things to talk about, especially about what has happened to me these past weeks (wonderful things, I tell you!) It’s more like a case of “writer’s being too sensitive about what he/she writes, especially about him/herself.”

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, (or do I say self-analysis); like I’m seeing a therapist in my head, only in this case I’m both therapist and patient.

On one hand I want to talk about the little day to day things, and all the wonderful things that have been happening in my life. On the other hand I feel I’ll be making it look like I’m writing all about me.
You see, a writer always bares a bit of him/herself in writing. And for me, that’s a very sensitive place to be in; probably because I wonder what people would think of what I wrote, would they like it or not? Would it look like I’m blowing my own trumpet?
But this itch is like fire shut up in my bones (I still don’t know if it’s Elijah or Jeremiah or Isaiah who said that: note to self: Chymdii ‘study’ your Bible!)

This writing bug has bitten me…bad. And I gotta scratch it with all I’ve got.
So get ready folks, my testimonies are on the way!!!

To everyone on my side of the Greenwich Meridian, goodnight. Mosquitoes are singing in my ear, I’m off to fight them joor!!!

Posted from WordPress for BlackBerry.

Published by Andrea Chymdii

-Digital Marketing Strategist and Instructor -Your Business' Digital Diva -Fashion Enthusiast -Writer -Nation Builder -100% Jesus

3 thoughts on “To write or not to write?

  1. This is real and beautiful. Ur communication and expression amazes me,…by the way its Jeremiah that said that…..Ure good…have i said it before? And pls dont stop writing.


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